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英文名稱 中文名稱 所需分數
Beginner 初心者 0
Apprentice 學習者 1200
Explorer 探索者 1750
Traveler 旅行者 2500
Dreamer 夢想者 5000
Dream Catcher 夢想追逐者 10000
Dream Shaper 夢想塑形者 20000
Dream Writer 夢想編寫者 35000
Dream Weaver 夢想編織者 50000
Sandman 造夢者 75000
Interworld Traveler 異世旅者 100000
World Shaper 世界塑形者 150000
World Writer 世界編寫者 250000
World Weaver 世界編織者 350000
World Vanquisher 世界征服者 500000
Fragment Writer 殘章編寫者 650000
Fragment Manager 殘章管理者 800000
"Santopia" 「桑托皮亞」 1000000


$wgUserStatsPointValues['edit'] = 50; // Points awarded on a mainspace edit
$wgUserStatsPointValues['vote'] = 0; // Points awarded for voting for an article
$wgUserStatsPointValues['comment'] = 20; // Points awarded for leaving a comment
$wgUserStatsPointValues['comment_plus'] = 20; // Points awarded if your comment gets a thumbs up
$wgUserStatsPointValues['comment_ignored'] = 0; // Points awarded if another user ignores your comments
$wgUserStatsPointValues['opinions_created'] = 20; // Points awarded for writing a blog article
$wgUserStatsPointValues['opinions_pub'] = 20; // Points awarded for having that article hit the "Blogs" page
$wgUserStatsPointValues['referral_complete'] = 20; // Points awarded for recruiting a new user
$wgUserStatsPointValues['friend'] = 20; // Points awarded for adding a friend
$wgUserStatsPointValues['foe'] = 0; // Points awarded for adding a foe
$wgUserStatsPointValues['gift_rec'] = 50; // Points awarded for receiving a gift
$wgUserStatsPointValues['gift_sent'] = 50; // Points awarded for giving a gift
$wgUserStatsPointValues['points_winner_weekly'] = 100; // Points awarded for having the most points for a week
$wgUserStatsPointValues['points_winner_monthly'] = 1000; // Points awarded for having the most points for a month
$wgUserStatsPointValues['user_image'] = 1000; // Points awarded for adding your first avatar
$wgUserStatsPointValues['poll_vote'] = 20; // Points awarded for taking a poll
$wgUserStatsPointValues['quiz_points'] = 20; // Points awarded for answering a quiz question
$wgUserStatsPointValues['quiz_created'] = 20; // Points awarded for creating a quiz question
$wgNamespacesForEditPoints = [ 0 ]; // Array of namespaces that can earn you points. Use numerical keys. Default is 0 -- only main namespace edits can earn a user points.



編輯積分 = 主條目編輯數 * 3 + 模板編輯數 * 2.5 + 模組編輯數 * 2.5 + 幫助編輯數 * 2 + 分類編輯數 * 1 + 專案頁面編輯數 * 1 + 檔案編輯數 / 4 + 討論編輯數 / 8


  • 使用者(User)使用者討論(User talk)均不計入此公式中。
  • 部分需要管理員權限編輯的命名空間不計入此公式中,因為現階段計算這些沒有意義。
  • 編輯積分僅作參考,其數值並不代表編輯者的貢獻多寡與水平高低。



原始碼:Widget:SaltUserScoreLevelWidget:SaltUserScoreTemplate:User edit score levelTemplate:User edit score

在頁面的合適位置使用此模板即可(快速使用:{{User edit score level|使用者名稱}}),詳細使用方式見模板文件;因為使用起來比較簡單,因此可以放入你的簽名中。


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