


  • Firefox或Safari:按住Shift的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5Ctrl-R(Mac为⌘-R
  • Google Chrome:Ctrl-Shift-R(Mac为⌘-Shift-R
  • Internet Explorer或Edge:按住Ctrl的同时单击刷新,或按Ctrl-F5
  • Opera:Ctrl-F5
 * Add anonymous replaced elements to auto-number sections
 * (This feature was removed in MediaWiki 1.38 for "performance reasons",
 * see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_1.38#Other_changes )
 * Note that MediaWiki does not have nested DOM elements for sections, so we
 * cannot use nested counters and have to hack it with several counters per
 * each level.
 * Reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Counter_Styles/Using_CSS_counters

/* Create counters and set their initial value to 0. */
body {
  counter-reset: h2-section h3-section h4-section h5-section h6-section;

/* Set up resetting */
/* (note that counter-reset does not work) */
h2 > .mw-headline
  counter-increment: h2-section;
  counter-set: h3-section h4-section h5-section h6-section;
h3 > .mw-headline
  counter-increment: h3-section;
  counter-set: h4-section h5-section h6-section;
h4 > .mw-headline
  counter-increment: h4-section;
  counter-set: h5-section h6-section;
h5 > .mw-headline
  counter-increment: h5-section;
  counter-set: h6-section;
h6 > .mw-headline
  counter-increment: h6-section;

/* Display the counters in the headings */
h2 > .mw-headline::before
  content: counter(h2-section);
h3 > .mw-headline::before
  content: counter(h2-section) "." counter(h3-section);
h4 > .mw-headline::before
  content: counter(h2-section) "." counter(h3-section) "." counter(h4-section);
h5 > .mw-headline::before
  content: counter(h2-section) "." counter(h3-section) "." counter(h4-section) "." counter(h5-section);
h6 > .mw-headline::before
  content: counter(h2-section) "." counter(h3-section) "." counter(h4-section) "." counter(h5-section) "." counter(h6-section);
h2 > .mw-headline::before,
h3 > .mw-headline::before,
h4 > .mw-headline::before,
h5 > .mw-headline::before,
h6 > .mw-headline::before
  opacity: 0.6;
  font-style: italic;
  margin-right: 1ex;